Speaking Truth to Power: Arnie Gundersen shares Fukushima details at the WAVE conference.
Is nuclear power a sustainable or safe solution to ongoing energy demands around the world? Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen was invited to speak in August at the WAVE conference sponsored by Life Chiropractic College West. More than 1600 chiropractors attended the conference near San Francisco, California to hear speakers like Arnie Gundersen and Erin Brockovich talk about speaking truth to power. Leading chiropractic educators were also joined by mind-body experts including Larry Dossey, MD, a leading proponent of the power of intention to heal; epigenetic pioneer Bruce Lipton, PhD; and Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field; as well as ADHD Nation author Alan Schwarz.
Arnie spoke about the four problems that will be created worldwide by building more nuclear plants. As you will see in the video, Arnie is using the iPad app Keynote for his TED-like presentation.
Watch the video here!